Ministerial Fellowship
To date, Apostle Michelle Morrison has 15 countries, 45 nations (55 leaders internationally) and 38 leaders in various US states covered by the ministry.
In 2015 God gave her supernatural increase. Apostles, bishops and pastors in these nations and states chose her ministry as their covering. Over 1100 ministries are now submitted to this church – ONLY GOD could have done this. He has enlarged our territory. In 2015 we conducted training of over 55 leaders nationwide. Overseas we now have 45 leaders, including 33 Sr. pastors, 3 apostles, 5 bishops, and 1 arch-bishop under our ministry, with over 1088 branches under the bishops and pastors. This covers around 15 countries and 45 nations. So just in 2015 alone the Lord supernaturally ENLARGED our territory – Praise Jesus. Hallelujah. Locally we have leaders in 25 US states covered by the ministry.
You can apply for covering under our ministry by either filling out the application below if you are already an established church or para-church, or attend our bible/training institute and apply for licensing or ordination that way (see our bible/training institute page for more information).
To support the expansion efforts of the ministries locally or internationally, please sow your seed today. Many of the churches overseas are in poor countries and need help for evangelical efforts such as purchasing bibles, chairs, tents, food and clothing for the poor.
Application fee ($25/Non-refundable) If approved, an annual fee of $100 is due (Financial Aid is available to all who qualify)
Thereafter each minister is required to sow a seed into WKDM monthly as led. This seed could be as large as tithing from the income of the church into the covering ministry or as small as $5 as long as the seed is sown monthly
For Ministry License (evangelist, teacher, prophet, etc.): VISIT OUR CATALOGUE AND FEE SCHEDULE PAGE FOR BIBLE INSTITUTE-- Must take BASIC MINISTRY CLASS REQUIREMENTS or ADVANCED MINISTRY CLASS REQUIREMENTS as determined by Dean. The Dean or President makes exceptions based on prior study and/or life experiences.
For Ministry Ordination (pastors, bishops, apostles): VISIT OUR CATALOGUE AND FEE SCHEDULE PAGE FOR BIBLE INSTITUTE-- Must take BASIC MINISTRY CLASS REQUIREMENTS or ADVANCED MINISTRY CLASS REQUIREMENTS as determined by Dean. The Dean or President makes exceptions based on prior study and/or life experiences.
CERTIFICATE Ceremony plus Licensing and Ordination Ceremony
TENTATIVE DATE: September 19, 2020, Fort Lauderdale, FLA
Site Title
Application for Licensing or Ordination
Email to: info@wkdmi.org
Application for Covering (Established Ministry of Para Ministry Email to: info@wkdmi.org
Code of Ethics

$25 Application Fee
$100 Approval Fee