Dr. Michelle Morrison has seen powerful revival moves of God at 3 different seasons of ministry locally and internationally.
LOCALLY: 1) on a small scale in 2005 we saw many healed from cancers and other deadly diseases, in revival programs held in Brooklyn, 2) in lower Manhattan in 2012 after hurricane Sandy, 200 at a time would give their lives to Christ, with many healed, and 3) from Sept 2015 to January 2016 many experienced healing and breakthrough in the AWAKEN services which were held once a month on a Saturday in lower Manhattan NYC.
September 2023 LUFKIN TEXAS REVIVAL (Upcoming)
INTERNATIONALLY we traveled to India in 2014 and saw unique miracles - the blind saw, the deaf heard and the dumb spoke as Dr. Michelle prayed for people in the crusades we held. Thousands came out each night with some healed from cancer and some limbs healed.
Folks can type into the google search engine “apostle michelle morrison” to see videos of this trip or watch on this website